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Pro user wanting to learn Solidworks


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I have been using Pro for 5 or 6 years. I may be coming into a job soon that uses only Solidworks. What kind of learning curve should I expect? Also, does anyone know of a student version or short-term license for Solidworks that I could download?<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

The learning curve is fairly shallow since both have similar modeling input functions.

In fact the creation of detail drawings is even easier in SolidWorks than in ProE. The same goes for family tables vs design tables; configurations.

However, ProE does have some features and functions, though present in SW, that are more rubust in ProE; especially in Wildfire.

Yes there is a Student version. Check with a SW var for details.


I am not sureif the newest version of Soldiworks has this but there is a Personal Edition of the software you can sign up for. I think you can get it through a SW reseller or on the Solidworks site ( Search for the 3D skills program at the Solidworks website and I think you can register for the Personal edition there or get in contact with a reseller who can get you one. Hope this helps.

Here is a quick link of the registration page:

I guess in reading intothe site you need to attend one of the seminars for the personal edition that info is on the site.

I know the Student Version used to be only available to students and you had to prove that you are registered for Solidworks Classes but that might have changed since I bought mine a couple of years ago.

Good luck
I,ve been using proe for around two years now as a meche student and moved to solidworks itis much easist than proe, with your modelling experience it should be a walk in the park! Most people moan to me about the fact that solidworks allows you to get away with stuff that proe (in terms of modelling and constraining)don't which in some cases can lead to unstable models! However if you know what doing and take your time this does not happen! and despite the lack of features compared to proe is there is always a workaround and the interface kicks ptc's arse and I think this is the biggest factor in its ease of use,

Hope I've been of some reassurance 2u

Paul Cunningham

p.s software can be bought from and the student/personal edition even comes with cosmos and moldflow xpress I think?
I used Pro for 3 years prior to changing jobs. Now I'm using SW and the learning curve was 0...well I'll take that back. Modeling was 0 but creating drawings and top down design took a little while.

In terms of funcitionality they are both very similar, but I still believe overallPro is the better package. On occasion I find functionality that SW does not have that Pro did and vise versa.

You may not be as efficient with SW initially, but you can be productive.

My 2


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