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Problem creating round?

you're losing tangency at the end when it runs into the other round already on the feature.

i'm sure others will have more elaborate solutions, but i've worked around this in the past by using an adjustable radius round so that it transitions to an allowable value in the trouble spot. it' s not necessarily the perfect solution though. on the other hand, a .2mm (.008) round is pretty freaking small and not really going to be seen. do you really need it? are you adding it simply because you know the sharp edge will be broken on your production part?

sometimes if you change the order you round you can get these issues resolved too. rounds are all math so if the math won't work, ProE won't do it.
I think I may have found your coulprit. Check your extrude feature 3. I did allign on of the lines with the reference geometry. Once I did that The fillet seems to work fine

Edited by: TonyJager
There are techniques for forcing rounds. Say for example you want a 10mm round and the largest that will go in is a 3mm round.At design engine we give techniques names so they can be quickly referenced.

In this case one technique you can use is to cut a solid cut into the geometry above where the round would go. Cut into the solid geometry so the round will go on after. Then you use a surface to patch over the hole. We call this the 5 minute fix named after an six weeks of confusion. Works ever time tho some may complain.

Ten minutes if you want to force tangency on the surface patch ;)
Edited by: design-engine
Bart, can you explain your 5 minute fix in more detail, not sure I understand.

In the situation above I'd be looking at creating the channel as a separate surface, adding the filllet to this separate surface and then merging this quilt with the other surfaces. This should allow complete flexibilty in the size of fillet used.

Cheers, Adam
Not sure what version of ProE your using, but Wildfire 5 puts the round in just fine using edges. Wildfire 4 requires a surf to surf round. No need for any special tricks on this one.


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