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Problem drawing accurate threads


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm hoping I can find some help in getting threads to display correctly in WF 2.0 without the model failing.

I'm looking to make 2 1/2-8 UNC threads in a hole that's .817" in length. I should end up with roughly 6.5 threads, with a pitch of .125, right?

Here's my sweep profile:

..and my thread sectionprofile...

...and when I finish the sweep, the feature fails. Entering a pitch of .017 seems to work, but I can't get much smaller than that.


So I'm left being unable to correctly display the thread (4-5 threads instead of 6.5)

Has anyone else encountered this problem and found a way to get around it so that I can use the thread pitch that I want? Am I missing something? This is a common thread right out of the Machinist's Handbook, so I would think that I have all of my values correct and Pro-E should allow me to model it.

Thanks for any help!
Have you tried to modify the accuracy of the part? Change the accuracy to absolute with a value of .0005 or .0002. I suspect the reason the feature fails is because there is a small surface created that's smaller than the relative accuracy will allow.
Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately that did not help. I even tried an accuracy of .0001 and the sweep still fails.
What is the length of the top of your triangular thread section? If it is the same as or greater than the pitch thesweep becomes self-intersecting, and fails.

sip said:
What is the length of the top of your triangular thread section? If it is the same as or greater than the pitch thesweep becomes self-intersecting, and fails.


Thie is a fantastic tip sip! This also holds true for sweeps and swept blends, and is not that intuitive sometimes...

