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Problem merging features


New member
Can anyone help me out?

I am having problems merging the basewhich I extruded as a solid and the upper housing which was formedusing a swept blend surface then converted to a solid. Ultimately I want to shell the completed feature. I have included the prt file


I can't look at it because you have posted the educational version. Could you post the commerncial version or do you not have access to it? I suspect that your problem areas could either be where your boss meets the pipe. Try decreasing your shell value to a small amount (0.005" or 0.12mm) and see if it will shell. Increase until it fails.

The shell command is really a 'behind the scenes' surfacing method whereby an attempt is made to copy and offset the surfaces and then produce a 'solidify'. You don't see all this going on however - just the finished feature.

I forgot to mention - if the offset surface is self intersecting before the solidify then the part will not shell. This will be why it is failing.
I cannot merge the two intersecting features - do they have to be merged before I can perform the shell operation ? Also have Imade problems for myself by creating the base as a solid extrusion and the housing as a swept surface which Ithen solidifiedinitially to trim the intersectinginternal curves of the swept blend. Is there a better way of achieving the design intent??

Sorry but I only have the students edition
2007-04-16_035320_prt0002.prt.zipNo they do not have to be merged because it is solid geometry that you are working with. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what you tell me you've done. Sometimes it is better to create a feature with surfaces in order to be able to trim before solidifying. In your case however, it probably wouldn't have mattered because the extrusion would have covered any un-desired geometry at that end. I've posted a file for you to look at. I think you can open commercial with student/educational. I'm pretty sure that your problems are due to self-intersections during shelling. Have a look at it.

Phil / jraquet

Thanks for all the help, I have succeeded in producing the part using merged surfaces but not solid geometry / shell option. I may have run into problems as I used capped ends on the two blends and the base shells out fine before I intersected the second feature. Anyway I will keep trying and thanks again



You may want to consider skipping the shell function in favor of building the inner and outer surfaces. It seems you are able to make the completed quilts. Once you have an outer shape you like you can offset that surface and build an inner surface. In the end you can make the part without a shell that will be more stable.




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