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problem with creating a dialog


New member

I'm new in programming with Pro/Toolkit and I want to make a little program that can generate gear wheels and edit tables by reading parameters out of a loaded text file (quite similar to ProGearwheel...) I'm using Pro/E Wildfire 4.0.

Making the menus wasn't that problem, but now I got stuck at creating a dialog, though I've read the API (ProUIDialog and everything that goes with it), the helpfile (UserInterface...) and the examples over and over again.

The problem is that nothing happens when I click on button 1 in part mode (Create Gearing), except the Testing-Message is shown (which means that MiscAction1() works, doesn't it?). Button 2 (Create Table) works well (Testing-Message is shown) in drawing mode.

Due to reduce complexity I slimmed the dialog to a single OK button which closes the dialog :)

The dialog.res file should be correct and in the right directory (I need it in two languages).

The problem seems to be similar to this one: 964&KW=dialog
But the only answer there didn't help me on.

Here is my code:

#include <ProToolkit.h>
#include <ProMenuBar.h>
#include <ProMessage.h>
//#include <ProUIDialog.h>&nb sp;
//#include <ProUIPushbutton.h>
#include <ProMdl.h>
#include <ProUI.h>

static ProFileName UserMsg;
static uiCmdCmdId cmd_id1, cmd_id2;

ProError MiscAction1(); //
ProError MiscAction2(); // do I need this here?
ProError CreateDialog(); //

/*========================================================== ===*\
FUNCTION: AccessGearing()
PURPOSE: Define the accessibility of "Create Gearing" menu button.
\*========================================================== ===*/
static uiCmdAccessState AccessGearing (uiCmdAccessMode access_mode)
ProMdl current;
ProMdlType type;
ProError status;

status = ProMdlCurrentGet (&current);

if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)

status = ProMdlTypeGet (current, &type);
if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR || type != PRO_MDL_PART)


/*========================================================== ===*\
FUNCTION: AccessTable()
PURPOSE: Define the accessibility of "Create Table" menu button.
\*========================================================== ===*/
static uiCmdAccessState AccessTable (uiCmdAccessMode access_mode)
ProMdl current;
ProMdlType type;
ProError status;

status = ProMdlCurrentGet (&current);

if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR)

status = ProMdlTypeGet (current, &type);
if (status != PRO_TK_NO_ERROR || type != PRO_MDL_DRAWING)


/*========================================================== ======*\
-------------------------CREATE GEARING-----------------------------
\*========================================================== ======*/

/*---------------------------------------------------------- ----------*\
FUNCTION : UserOKAction()
PURPOSE : Action function for the OK button
\*---------------------------------------------------------- ----------*/
ProError UserOKAction()
ProError status;
ProUIDialogExit("dialog", NULL);

/*---------------------------------------------------------- ----------*\
FUNCTION : MiscAction1()
PURPOSE : Action after clicking on "Create Gearing"
\*---------------------------------------------------------- ----------*/
ProError MiscAction1()
ProError status;

status = CreateDialog();&nb sp;&nb sp;&nb sp; //nothing happens!
ProMessageDisplay (UserMsg, "USER Message1"); //is shown


/*========================================================== ==========*\
FUNCTION : CreateDialog()
PURPOSE : Creates Dialog
\*========================================================== ==========*/
ProError CreateDialog ()
ProError status;

status = ProUIDialogCreate( "dialog", "dialog" );
status = ProUIDialogCloseActionSet( "dialog", (ProUIAction)UserOKAction, NULL );
status = ProUIPushbuttonActivateActionSet( "dialog", "OK", (ProUIAction)UserOKAction, NULL );
status = ProUIDialogActivate( "dialog", NULL );
//status = ProUIDialogAboveactivewindowSet( "dialog", PRO_B_TRUE); // Do I need this?
status = ProUIDialogDestroy( "dialog" );


/*========================================================== ======*\
-------------------------CREATE TABLE------------------------------
\*========================================================== ======*/

/*========================================================== ======*\
FUNCTION: MiscAction2()
PURPOSE: Action after clicking on "Create Table"
\*========================================================== ======*/
int MiscAction2()
ProMessageDisplay (UserMsg, "USER Message2");
return (0);

/*========================================================== ======*\
----------------------user_initialize()--------------------- -------
\*========================================================== ======*/

int user_initialize (
int argc, /* Inp: Pro/E arg count */
char *argv[], /* Inp: Pro/E args */
char *version, /* Inp: Pro/E version */
char *build, /* Inp: Pro/E build date code */
wchar_t errbuf[80] ) /* Out: error message (opt)*/
ProError status;
uiCmdCmdId cmd_id1, cmd_id2;
/*---------------------------------------------------------- ------*\
Message file.
\*---------------------------------------------------------- ------*/
ProStringToWstring (UserMsg, "UserMsg.txt");
ProMessageDisplay (UserMsg, "USER Start");
/*---------------------------------------------------------- ------*\
Add a new menu (Gearing) to the menu bar (to the left of Help).
\*---------------------------------------------------------- ------*/
status = ProMenubarMenuAdd ("GearingMenu", "USER Gearing",
"Help", PRO_B_FALSE, UserMsg);
/*---------------------------------------------------------- ------*\
Add to the new menu.
\*---------------------------------------------------------- ------*/
//Click on "Create Gearing"
status = ProCmdActionAdd ("UserDispMsg1", (uiCmdCmdActFn)MiscAction1,
uiCmdPrioDefault, (uiCmdAccessFn)AccessGearing, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE,
//Click on "Create Table"
status = ProCmdActionAdd ("UserDispMsg2", (uiCmdCmdActFn)MiscAction2,
uiCmdPrioDefault, (uiCmdAccessFn)AccessTable, PRO_B_TRUE, PRO_B_TRUE,
//create button "Create Gearing"
status = ProMenubarmenuPushbuttonAdd ("GearingMenu", "Create Gearing",
"USER Create Gearing", "USER Create Gearing Help.", NULL, PRO_B_TRUE,
cmd_id1, UserMsg);
//create button "Create Table"
status = ProMenubarmenuPushbuttonAdd ("GearingMenu", "Fill Table",
"USER Fill Table", "USER Fill Table Help.", "Create Gearing", PRO_B_TRUE,
cmd_id2, UserMsg);
return (0);

/*========================================================== ======*\
FUNCTION: user_terminate()
PURPOSE: ends Application
\*========================================================== ======*/
void user_terminate()
// clean up here if necessary

Could you tell me where the problem is? As I've mentioned, I'm a rookie in Prp/Toolkit, so feel free to mention any mistakes or violations of programming rules etc. Do I get something wrong with the subfunctions or ProError?

Thank you very much!

I would make sure that the resourse file is named dialog.res (this is what you used in your call to ProDialogCreate). Also it must be in the folder <application>\text\<language>\resource\ s. I would also try stepping through your code using the VS debugger. You can find out how to do this by following a document created by the PTC/User Customization TC. This document can be found here:

Thank you williaps so far, but I just solved my problem by myself :)

Following a hint from a german forum ( I came across the little PTC program"dialog_view.exe" in the directory <...>\protoolkit\i486_nt\obj.

After opening my dialog.res file it showed me that I forgot to write the<name> in the first line ("dialog" in my case). Now it works all fine. Nice little program :)

Maybe this helps someone else someday.


Great! I'm glad you figured that out. I associate the .res and .bif file extensions to prodialog_view.exe in Windows explorer. Then I can just double-click those files and they open without using the command line. Hope this helps.

