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Problem with repetition


New member

I created a point on my model and this point lies on a particular edge and the right plane. I then found the X,Y,Z values of the point.

I didn't care to save my work and later when I tried to create the same point having the same coordinate values as before, I simply couldn't do it. The X,Y values obtained were the same, but the Z value is different. I used the same technique as before, but somehow the point is not the same.

The reason I want the same point is because I have to do an assembly and hence need to create a plane in the pasrt file that passes thru that point. The point created earlier was the perfect fit.

Am I going wrong somewhere or was it just a fluke?

Can u plz explain in detail.

Tell me how u have created the point previously and the steps u followed.

Also tell me how u have created the second time. So it will easy to identify the difference.

Attached is my model. This is the one that I made the second time.

I first created a point (PNT3)that lies both on the edge in question and the right plane. The right plane is the plane of symmetry in my model. Then I made a plane (DTM 5)that passes thru that point and is parallel to the front plane.

When I followed the same procedure the second time, I couldn't get the same point.
If the datum point and its location is what you actually need (not the dtm plane and other features that originally located it) then you should be able to just offset a point from the coord sys with your X Y Z values. If that is what you tried anddidnt workthen myquestionis how did you determine/measure the X Y Z values of the orig point? Is it possiblethe coord sys you used was not the default CS0 or was it changed to make the Z in a different direction?

I used all the default settings... i.e. the default coordinate systems etc. I finally want a plane that passes thru that point so that I can align that plane with another plane from the other part in the assembly. So the datum plane that passes thru that point is important. If I used the Z value from the origina point, I got a Z value of 9.4029. Then i created a datum palne that passes thru the point and is offset to the front plane at a distance of 9.4029. When i used this plane for the assembly, it was perfect.

In the second attempt, I got a value for the Z coordinate as 9.3968. This thru the assembly off by a certain limit.

Any suggetions?

I have the WF2 student edition so I cant open your file. If you could post a jpeg I could better see what you have. The differenceis fairly small (.0061) which though not much seems to be more than would be caused by an accuracy problem. I would still compare the accuracy setting between the models.Also, make sure the number of decimal places for your dimensions are the same. The difference could be caused by arounding factor due toa difference. You didnt say how you determined the X Y Z values of the point. Should I assume you measured the distancefrom the point to the default planes?Sometimes the system uses a different projection distance than you had in mind andthough itlooks close could be throwing it off. Other than this I'm out of suggestions for now.
Edited by: t_spraker

I used Analusis- Geometry- Point and then selected the point in question. This gave me the X,Y,Z values. I do not know how to set the accuracy settings. Could you please tell me how to adjust/ set that and also the decimal point settings?

I don't have Pro/E at home....... will post a pictute as soon as I get to the lab.


Hi users4,

I think your problem is because in your cut feature id 1477 you haven't fixed one distance (0.66 which is 0.65594....).

With this value youhave the Z value of your point 3 (9.3968). If you set it to 0.66 you've got 9.40271.

Hope it helps you.
Edited by: bp
Hi Bp,

Yeah........ I got it. So maybe I should change the value to 0.66. Let metry and that see if it works.

User 4

Looks like Bp found the problem. FYI- to change the accuracy pick EDIT then SETUP then ACCURACY. The default is .0012 and rarely needs to be changed. I zipped together 3 pgs (jpegs) of the PDF manual that cover setting the accuracy.

To change the number of decimal placesof individualdimensions - edit the feature to show the dimensions. Select the dimension(s) to change and rt click for the popup menu. Select PROPERTIES, then in the next window (dimension properties), change the number of decimal places. The dims should change colro to show a need to regen. To change all dimensions you have to go to your file and change or add the config options default_dec_places and sketcher_dec_places. Let us know if you get it to work.
Hi User4

I couldnot exactly understand ur problem till now bcoz there is not a single point in ur part that u made with offset csys. All points are made my strict constraints and nobody can change or make influence of co ordinate values of these points in this condition. what is the main problem u r facing?? pnt0 is made by intersection of axis and right datum plane, pnt1 is made by intersecting edge and dtm4, pnt2 is made by on curve and lenght ratio, pnt3 is made by intersection of curve and front datum plane. Then why u want to create another point by csys? or what is exactly make prob 4 u??
I have gone through all mails and your Pro/E file also.
I meaured PNT3 from CYS and I got X=0,Y=-5.03871, Z=9.39668. with these, I could create a plane at Offset of 9.39668 to FRONT plane.That's fine.
But I couldn't underastand where did u get the value

Can U Pl.explin me

I do not understand that myself either. Some people have suggested that it probably may be due to the asymmetry in the model_temp file. I'm looking into that also to see if it can fix things up.


