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problem with sketcher


Super Moderator
I have some problems with sketcher.please help:

1-How can I snap
an end point of a line to a spline? I can only snap to lines, arcs and
spline endpoints (not to the curve itself)

2-i also want to add a tangent relation between a line and a spline but I cant. (again not at the end point)

Edited by: solidworm
I suppose You are trying to create line in default place of spline? - in sketcher it won`t work.

However You can create spline first as stand alone sketch and then use it as references or use edge which then will allow You to achieve what You want.

Please do not ask me why is it like that?
thanks for the quick response muadib3d. but it's still impossible to construct a tangent relation between the line and the referenced spline. but the snap function works this way. any other suggestions?

Edited by: solidworm
first off there is no real snapping function in sketcher unless you turn snap to grid on. But don't do that.

Try this. Take a line you draw in sketcher. Strait one. Then choose the spline tool and pick two points. One outside of one end of the straight line and the other right on top of one end. Now use your constraints dialog box to evoke the tangency tool and choose both ends. one the spline and the other the straight line. Don't think order matters.

There are a bunch of other ways to do this not using sketcher too.

Edited by: design-engine
design-engine, thanks for your response, but:
this is not a good solution. what if you want draw another line with an endpoint on the curve?
another question, how can i fix (or maybe fully define) the spline so that when i change line's endpoint position on the curve, it retains it's shape?
any suggestion for the tangency problem?

design-engine, i have seen your proe surfacing tutorials on youtube and enjoyed very much,very intuitive. thanks

Edited by: solidworm
solidworm... What if you sketch two seperate curve features one of the spline and the other of the line you are connecting to the spline?
solidworm said:
i found an image on your website, showing position analysis on a slider-crank mechanism using sketcher. ( TUT 2 .jpg) can you do velocity and acceleration analysys on that too? is it possible using skeleton motion analysis?

No, You can`t. It is only to introduce simple way to check simple mechanism before You dive into Mechanism module itself.

The point is that sketcher has a lot of tools user does not even expect they are. More - mostly users do not even know hot to handle with them, specialy with : Replace, Axis points or analisys like Tangency point or Curvature
<a name="159620"></a>

isn't it possible to do motion analysis on skeleton models? i dont know how to construct a skeleton model but i have read in the documentation that this is possible using skeleton models.

Edited by: solidworm
yea, it is possible in some manner but not in the way taht You see it works dynamicaly

sketched skeleton is for close and accurate look and position of assembled parts.

So, You do that(sketched skeleton) when You are focused on each deg of rotation to check it very accurate.

If You want to make dynamic analyses - motion elvelope or curve, then it is not the way.

But these are all only my consideration, while I use Mechanism rarely ever.

If You do have customer no. You can then take a profit of great source of tricks on PTC web page

