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I just installed my WF3. When I go to the photolux library for the LWF files. They are there but when I bring them into pro-e the bump map doesnt show in the color editor. Is this a config option or setting that may not be enabled?

There is a "Photolux" thumb with it's options.

It is visible only if you choose Photolux instead of PhotoRender under "render settings".
ok, I think I got that but there is another issue I noticed. When I first opened a model in WF3, the light setup was something new. Lights I have never seen before. Now, those lights...I cannot find. Did they add new types of lighting to WF3 (seems they did) and where do I find them?

One last thing, going in and out of the photolux materials library is painfully slow. Is there some reason for this? I dont have a slow computer. Is there a config file option to tell pro where to look for the LWF files to shorten the loading time?

