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Problems modeling a "bent" profile


New member

I'm trying to model a custom profile from Welser. The tractory of the extrusion (if you can put it like that) is an arc with r=5000(mm) through 63 degrees. I've used two different methods: a sweep with constant cross section and revolve.My problem is that the profile looks like crap with all kinds of misrepresentations.

I guess the relatively small and elaborate cross-section combined with a length of over 5000mm is the problem here, but can I work around this issue in any way? Are there any tricks?
(Perhaps I should try to split the profile into three different sweeps or revolves)

(I have a HP8710w with quadro 1600m running wildfire 4)
Define misrepresentations. Perhaps there is no problem at all, and you just need to crank up your graphics settings. (view>display settings>model display> shade, edge/line, etc.)
Oh...thanks! I cranked up the shade settings andnow the profile looks just fine. Once again:Thanks!

Edited by: freddy_v99
Have you set the accuracy of your model to a small number; i.e., an absolute accuracy of.0001? The default value for most users is .0012, and this simply isn't good enough for some parts. This is a common problem for models using imported data (such as IGES or STEP data). This is an unfortunate part of the Pro/E legacy: users once caredwhether files were 100 kB or 1MB, and the coarse accuracy made for a smaller file size.
I'm sorry but we never learned to adjust any settings in school: How do I adjust the accuracy of the model?

-edit- For some reason this post were impossible to delete but anyway, now I know how to adjust the accuracy. Thank you! You've both been very helpful. -/edit-
Edited by: freddy_v99


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