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Problems rebuilding rounds


New member
I am using Wildfire 2 date code M050. I have a large molded part ~350 features with a lot of draft and rounds. When I make changes and edges disapear, I get the feature won'trebuild error for many of the rounds. When I pick quick fix and redefine the machine hangs up and crashes or I have to reboot.I am tired of deleting and recreating rounds every time I make a small geometry change.

Does anybody else experience the same sort of problems? Do you know if any of this is addressed in later date code releases. I can't change from wildfire 2 due to customer requirements.
hi mshannon

this subject is never ending story...

If I can share so simple thoughts, they would be as such:

*pay attention for features sequence - rounds in the end

*try to relate position of rounds in model try to position in model. I mean - avoid to create rounds from different "ends" in model. If You try to create rounds and devide them into groups(with points in model tree for example), then such an order in model tree pays its bills many times. Really worth to consider

*if You can - try to create round between surfaces instead of edges

*try to narrow the range of edes in each round feature - the less, the better. I know some guys push to dicrease feature count, and do not care about rounds at all, but in this moment, the less references round contains, the easiest is then to find them, or replaced them when they are gone. So try to focus on edges, surfaces that are placed in close area

*use a Susspend option instead of Suppress when Pro/E goes into Resolve mode. Sometime rounds are build on each other and Pro/E can handle them by its own

*if You consider symetrical parts, make a half of them, but do not use Mirror option. use Copy > Solid surfaces instead. Then place Your rounds using surfaces as references. With such appraoch You`re less depandent on features, more on geometry which is in the end more relyable idea.

*make Save after each feature creation. Use this as advance when Pro/e goes into Resolve mocde - Investigation > Backup model, or simply have a previous iteration opened paralely

*consider to create big(>4 mm), major for geometry rounds inside sketches. I do know it is bad habbit to push such entities in profiles, but it simplify some things after.

*beware when creating rounds for surface models - merge can change quilt normal direction and Your round goes to hell, or thicken option can do same when You increase, decrease thickness to much. I seldom do that when I know I would solidify geometry and still have a time to make some things in solid

* the last, the best -be patient :))))
Failing this, just back-up your model prior to modification. If you have spare Pro/E licenses you can simply open another session, open up your part and take a look at what the old round used to reference in your old model. I use this methos all the time and would be lost without it.
Rounds are a pain in the ass !! I have learnt over time to think before I round lol. I try to model everything as far as I can and then apply all rounds last !

