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Problems with warp tool changing surface


New member
Hi guys,

I'mhaving a problem with the warp tool in proe wf4. I have made a part mostly using styles, and am trying to stretch it to be a fraction taller. My problem is that when i start the warp tool the surface of my part creases where one style surface meets another. It doescreases likebefore I have even selected the stretch option, soI don't think it couldbe anythingto do with the changing shape. I have posted a before and after pic, and also a pic to better explain what is going on in the style.

Regarding to picture 3 - I have tried everything to get that last arrow to become curvature instead of tangent but it doesn't seem to want to.All of the boundary curves meetvia curvature.The fact that the crease created by the warp toolgoes up past this join suggests it may not be the culprit anyway?

This forum isan excellentsource of help for people like me, and i greatly appreciate any advice .


before warp

after/during warp

better view of how surface is constructed
Yea, warp can do some funny stuff to your geometry and it doesn't seem like there's always a heck of a lot of control in there. I can't exactly tell what you're trying to modify but you might try Surface Edit in the Style feature. It allows for free-form manipulation with some more control. Do a search - there's been some recent discussion about it in these forums.
Thank you for your reply mgnt8. Some of the style surfaces were made using sketches which were what i needed to change. unfortunately editing them caused the style and an offset to fail which i could not fix. I have bitten the bullet now and rebuilt the part. It is a sheath for a kitchen knife. I know it doesn't look it but there are some complicated surfaces on the inside aimed at avoiding an undercut yet keeping wall thickness as uniform as possible. Thanks again,


