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producing animations for others to view


New member
Does Pro/E have any facility for producing animations in formats other than Pro/E specific formats? I know there's that littlePTCreader-likeapp that people can freelydownload to look at models without having Pro/E, but is there any way to produce anything more universal, like an animated gif?

If not actually exporting an animated gif, is there any method of systematically rotating a part in even increments in one axis or something to create frames for an animated gif that one could then produce in another app?

do you have access to the animation or mechanism modules? you can run a simulation to handle this in both and generate an mpeg.

otherwise some outside softwares can be used with static images to lace together an animation.

you might also want to consider "edrawings" for those that do not want or have the product view from PTC. the viewer can be set to be similar and allows markups on both ends of the viewing


I do have the animation and mechanism modules. Well I'm very happy it will output an mpeg. Any advice on getting an animated gif out of an animation? I'd actually like to be able to show basic, short animation (just a 360 spin view of model actually) in this manner on website.


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