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ProE interview questions


New member
Hi friends,

I am having an interview next week in pro E can any of u send me the default questions.


Edited by: proe_user3000
what do you mean by default questions?

I suggest to our students looking to knock the interview dead to prepare a series of questions. To the interviewer to keep the interviewer talking is key! You also want to ask questions that exude confidence that your Pro/E skills are above average so we word the questions appropriately.

Here is my suggested list if I understand your question correctly.

1. How many seats of proe does your company have? and what kind of workstations do you have?
This question helps me determine if I want to work there or not. If the company uses Soldiworks they tend not to pay well. if the company uses dated machinery they don't pay well.

2. How does the company utilize prototyping? Is prototyping conducted at the facility or jobbed out?

3. Is it common practice for your users to use top down design.
If the answer is no then the the company is not so progressive and probably lets the librarian (intralink dorks) drive the engineering process. Those companies are usually quite confused.

4. Tell me about your various manufacturing processes. This gets the interviewer talking.

basically if your interviewer does all the talking then he or she just thinks your smart and will extend an offer. a large part of the participants to design engine are degreed ME's that have been out of school for a coupld years and still have no job. We prepare them to knock the interview dead durring the Pro/E training as both are important.

Edited by: design-engine
"design-engine" has a valid point. The interview pace should be controlled by you. If they dwell into your past experience, you're in trouble because they have doubts. If they talk about the job descriptions, you have a chance.

Last, ask them if they have any concerns about your skills and they job. They'll be honest.

When they offer a salary, do this: counter-offer a 8%. They will likely meet halfway because the ball is on your court.
Well, the original poster is in India, so it's hard to know how they work there.

I know around the Indiana area, and it's an employers market. If you counter-offer, you risk not getting the job. I had a tough time negotiating an extra weeks vacation here.

You have to be ready to not accept the job, or get turned away for that %4.

I've found most companies give you a sit-down test. They put you at a station, and give you a task.

I failed one because the workstation was so slow, and kept crashing. Plus I was accustomed to my macros and hot keys, and forgot where some of the drop-down buttons were. Triedexplaining this, but just got a look like I lied to them. Decided they were too cheap to get powerfull workstations, so they were probably too cheap to pay decent.

just be carefull, and observant. Sell your design skills and intelligence, not your CAD skills, They can be learned.
davidinindy said:
Sell your design skills and intelligence, not your CAD skills, They can be learned.

Very good point David, but I have noticed that more and more companies are becoming interested (UK only on this one) in the level of ProE knowledge that you have. When they don't have to train you, they are saving money.

hello guys i am asking for questions man. i can handle the guy whose going to conduct the interview but i want some sample questions can anybody out there have any format of questions.if you have please upload it.

Thank you guys for your suggestions
Edited by: proe_user3000


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