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proe relation


New member

Now a days i am doing job in a company who makes axial fans and for that we need an assembly in which we can change dimension as per our need.. Is it possible tomake a big assembly with some assemblies in which we can change dimension according to our need.. Is that possible to do in excel sheet...? Our assembly contains minimum of 50 little little parts... Will it b easy by programming or any other idea is there? How about including programming in C in this matter.? Please let me understand whole things how to make a assembly relative that we can change dimension and it should affect on drawing also so instantly we can get manufacturing drawings.... thanks ... Reply in detail if possible....
What you want is to manage configurations using Pro/PROGRAM. Pro/PROGRAM would use 'if then' statements combined with relations. You can drive everything with an 'Explorer' window too. Look into Pro/PROGRAM

If you need more power than what Pro/PROGRAM would offer then you would want to look into Pro/TOOLKIT
Edited by: design-engine
thanks for your suggesions.

But i realy dont know how what is pro toolkit and where i can find it.. can u give me brief discription abt it .. i want to drive whole assm with more than 50 parts..

You can accomplish what you need with Layout and Pro-Program. Layout will be like a interface (looks like a drawing)where you add differentparametersthat are driving the assembly.

If you have a ptc account you can look into Knowledge Base to find out more about.

Don't thinkHELP will help you with something.

"You can drive everything with an 'Explorer' window too."

I believe Bart was talking about internet explorer. I know there are some companies like allow you to drive the model from internet explorer. But this is more complicated to do.
Hi Pryn

I think Pro/Inralink may solve your problem whitin range. U dont need to make programs etc. Just u make a library and assemble the parts and make different model assy and so on. if u want to drive pro assemblies out of pro, u need Nitro Cell. U dont need programming skills to drive ur assemblies, just use excel and u can control a lot of things even automatic drawing creation.
thanks to all

as per ZAKI sail that i can do all changes with use of excel.. how it b possible.. i can use excel for one model by use of family table.. bt how cani use it for whole assembly and drawings... ?

If your drawings have the same name as your parts/assemblies and the option rename_drawings_with_objects is set to both you can do a #save as# and copy your assembly to a new name. In the following dialog you can give new names to parts you want to modify. Drawings for modified parts/assemblies will be created.

Stay with DESIGN-ENGINE and VLAD's idea of ProProgram its dead easy to use once you get into it.

Two years ago I used ProProgam to set up a template to design a car brake disc. Result anyone in the office who could access ProEngineer could take the template, save a copy and renumber it, then by filling in about 10 inputs (data supplied ie disc o/d top hat section etc) a full model and drawing was automatically produced. It needed checking by an engineer to give it final approval, but it worked well and saved 90% of the design time! It worked so well it put me out of a job!

No hard feelings though,I moved on to a more challenging role with another company.


thanks cad2448 you advise is realy gud bt i am very much new at this stage of proe so if u can tell me how can i do all this and if u(anybody) can send me a assemly with relations it will be great help...

hope u do needful..


