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ProE to SolidWorks transition


New member
I am currently using ProE Wildfire 2.0 and my employer is considering changing everything to solid works. My employer said solid works is cheaper as far as program purchase, maintenance, training. Is this true. I also need to find out if i will be able to transfer my models from proe to solid works so i dont have to redo the thousands of drawings and models i have done. He also mentioned that solid works is much more user friendly than proe. Any info and opinions are appreciated.

If you would like, your employer is welcome to talk to me as I use both SolidWorks and Pro-E. I can provide an unbiased opinion of both the pros & cons of switching to SolidWorks with a legacy of Pro-E data.

Is was true that my license of SW Premium (including simulation, rendering, routing, etc.) was less expensive than Pro-E with all its more advanced modules. However, I would still recommend getting a quote on each CAD package with the modules (add-ins) that your company requires, and compare both the initial software cost & maintenance.

Secondly, it does require some training to switch from modeling in Pro-E to SW. Your company will also need to create its title blocks / drawing formats. I could help if needed as I have done it before. Transferring models / Drawings is somewhat of a complicated issue. SolidWorks can attempt to import Pro-E parts (not drawings) and recreate the features using FeatureWorks. This works on machined parts, but is often less successful with complicated geometry from injection-molded parts and sheet metal parts. You will still need to recreate the models you plan to use in SolidWorks. The SW drawing will need to be completely recreated as SW cannot import a Pro-E drawing.

For people new to 3-D CAD, SW is probably easier to learn. For an experienced users like yourself, it will be a change although you may actually prefer SW after getting past the learning curve. I like SW better for part creation, but I still prefer Pro-E for drawings.

Here are some additional links on this topic:

SolidWorks vs Pro-E:

SW to Pro-E:

Topic: Is Proe "old-timer"?: [url] 393&KW=old+timer[/url]

If your manager needs a demo, I could remodel a Pro-E part in SolidWorks as a comparison. I am not aligned with either SW or PTC so I have no software to sell, but an independent contractor / consultant who provides 3-D CAD services for consumer & medical device products.


Chris Thompson

Edited by: c_thompson_68

