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projected curve split over 2 surfaces


New member

i am trying to project a curve onto a curved surface which is made up of two curved surfaces but when the curve is projected onto it the projection is split where the two surfaces join. i need the projected curve to be all one as it is intended to be used as a boundary in creating a surface using 4 boudaries in style tool.

the line highlighted in blue in this pic is the curve i am projecting ...


and the line highlighted in blue in this pic iswhere the two surfaces joinon to which are being projected join and about which the projectedcurve is split.

highlighted in red are the curves selectedas boundaries forcreating the new surface to be created in style tool and as you can see the one which is the projected curve is cut short. do you know any way in which this can be overcome?


select the first part of the curve so it shows red like on your picture, press copy and paste, now while ure in the paste commando with shift depressed select the second part of the splitcure, use right mb to toggle is it selects the whole curve. In the dashboard switch the exact to approximate. Pro now makes one curve out of it. Yes there is a deviation as it finds the best fit, and yes on complex surfaces it might not be able to create the tangent (for you critics out there).

Now you can go into style and you got four bounding curves.

When you use a boundary blend its not neccesary to create that approx. curve. while selecting the you can use the same thing with the shift to select two halves as one curve.

Or you could switch to WF2 and you can use a split curve as one boundary as long as they are tangent

thanks again nick, that has sorted out that little problem, unfortunaltely i have run into another almost straight away, now that i am able to do the 'create surfaces form boundaries' tool, there is a problem in that it won't let all four of the surfaces be joined at a tangent.

here is a pic, as you can see there are only 3 sides connected with arrows and i don't seem to be able to connect the fourth, unfortunately i need allthe sides to blend tangentially.any ideas how this can be overcome? i don't think the 'create surfaces from boundaries' tool in WF1 is aspowerfull as in WF2.

i'm going to wait untill WF3 is out though becauseas i am a student and getting a student copy before the end of the year i will be able to upgrade pretty cheap!

also the surface i am trying to create joins with the blue elipse thing and will cut off the ridge above it, just in case that wasn't clear.


What I tried to explain, WF2 allows you to select the 2nd part of the curve highlighted in your picture so it creates something like this :

View attachment 2566

In your case, wf1 you cant, and if you want to do it in style, add another curve starting at the end of your split curve, to the upper edge and create two surfaces.

View attachment 2567

Or create your curves in style, exit style

insert boundary blend. In this feature you can select two parts as one edge as long as they are tangent, 3 bounding edges are tangent, one is normal to the mid plane

View attachment 2568

I think I would prefer another curve inbetween your bounding ones and two surfaces, so you have control of what the surface does in that area. Dell_boy might disagree ....

View attachment 2569
Edited by: dojo

the copying of the curves worked fine and i have now 4 hole boundaries to use in style but i when i do style does not connect the new surface with the side and i want it to flow smoothly onto it. am i understanding you correctly when you say that the best way to achieve this is to add extra curves from the top to the bottom to dictate the shape of the curve? i have tried using boundary blend tool but again i don't seem to be able to get the tangents i want, i have tried changing the tangecy options to tangent for all of the boundaries but then the feature seems to fail and i'm not entirely sure why. if i do not get it this time would it be okay to upload my part for you to have a look at and show me on?

sure m8 no prob if there aint no issue with confidentiality. I also wrote in the first replies that you can create that approximate curve, and no style will not recognise it to be tangent to the surface (hence the approximate). Upload it and I'll make the different possibilities in your part


when you said the approximate copy of the curvesdoes not always make a tangent did you mean between the two curves or between the resulting curve and surface along which it runs, here the two curves form one perfectly but not tangent with the surface which it runs allong when i tried to connect to it.

here is my part, thanks for having a look,

the model tree is quite spread out i'm sorry, either i am being dim or there is no way of grouping in WF1, also i have just remembered i am working in a student version of wildfire so if you are using comercial version i think it probably wont work! maybe i will redo it in a comercial version and then send you that version if this version is no good for you?



