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propagate text from excel to parts


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If we take it that the Holy Grail ofskeletal modeling isupdate master & everything updates ( INCLUDING BOM )
Currently - If the master is updated,all associated parts, assemblies & drawing files change. This is great but only goes half way, specifically for the IDW's BOM.
The draftee still has to go into each separate part & update the description fields to suit the modifications & so the BOM will show the new sizes.
If we could however propagate text from excel to part property fields, we would not only to be able to adjust all dimensions but amend the BOM to suit the changes.
This would mean for some instances that a change in the master could in-fact update everything.
Note: ( In this senario, I'm usingexcel with theVlookup functionin the master partgive me a comprehensive range of part options & sizes)

