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ptc’s precision LMS

I have a hard time with that kind of training. its the lack of interaction maybe?

Is it in the regular ptc university location on their website?
Just had a ptc presentation on that at our user group meeting. It looks interesting, you can search all their training materials and go through entire lessons or just the one segment that you need. You can schedule folks to take classes and they work through it at their leisure, but need to complete it by a deadline.

No idea what it costs, though.
dgs said:
Just had a ptc presentation on that at our user group meeting. It looks interesting, you can search all their training materials and go through entire lessons or just the one segment that you need. You can schedule folks to take classes and they work through it at their leisure, but need to complete it by a deadline.

No idea what it costs, though.

You mean We, the maintenance paying PTC customer... has to pay for this !!?
it can't be cheap. but if were just getting into pro engineer i would consider paying for it.

it is by far the most advanced tutorial type training i've seen.

they have added some mathcad videos as well.
Yeah, I was kind of thinking this is what Pro|Help ought to be.

Not only do you have to pay for it, it's licensed on a per user basis. So, instead of having a company wide access and folks taking turns, each user has their own login.
Our company purchased 2 seats of this, and I've talked to our VAR about issues we've had. We were originally under the impression from its presentation that Precision LMS was similar to <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placeName w:st="on">PTC</st1:placeName> <st1:place w:st="on">University</st1:place></st1:place>, that engineers could take courses at their leisure on their own time if they chose, from any computer with an internet connection. With <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placeName w:st="on">PTC</st1:placeName> <st1:place w:st="on">University</st1:place></st1:place> we understood that the software was provided when you logged on, however with Precision LMS you MUST have a licensed copy of Pro/E on your computer. This did not work for us as not everyone has a workstation at home powerful enough to run Pro/E, and we don't use license borrowing. Another item that our manager understood is that with 2 seats, 2 people could be using it at any one time, and the seats are floating. This is NOT the case; the seat is assigned to a specific individual when you receive it and is NOT transferable unless the assignee leaves the company, and you must contact PTC to get the change processed.
Rodney Decker
WF3 M140
I was told yesterday that Precision LMS (AKA eLearning) came with a special 'training version' of Pro|E that you could use to run the sessions. No need for a licensed copy on your PC. You may need to download and install that 'training version', I don't know. The 'training version' will only open the training files.

You are right, the licenses are locked to an individual. He also gave the impression that you can re-assign them if a person's role changes (no longer using Pro|E) or leaves the company.
I had initially brought up the issue with our VAR about mid Februarywhen we couldn't seeany training version. Looks like they've changed it. I wonder how many others complained about the way it was set up.

Just logged in and now you get the typical PTC license agreement. I'll have to look into the training version.

The individually locked licenses make sense as a transcript is given to the person when he/she completes each course.
The price depend on the library you get. The ProE one is $1300, however, you'll want to get maintenance if you want to get course offerings that they add later.
PTC University Pro/ENGINEER eLearning Library
This is a simple, convenient way for you to learn new Pro/ENGINEER modules and techniques that can help you get your job done faster. Your library gives you instant, online access to over 40 different Pro/ENGINEER courses, so you can train at your own pace, whenever you have time. That
I used to administer and use the Coach elearning materials in a previous job. The Coach materials were far superior to what PTC had to offer at the time. I guess that is why PTC bought them. The materials when I last saw them were very good short segments with lecture, demo, and excersizes. The were starting to include short narrated materials, and had animations and lots of graphics to go with the lectures.

That being said, the Coach materials are NOT a replacement for classroom training, whether live or remote. The real strengths of the Coach material was in it's availabilty 24 / 7 / 365 and being able to go back and refer to it at anytime, and it's price.

You can learn Pro/ENGINEER with the Coach materials, but as Bart mentioned, you have to either be that kind of learner, or highly motivated.

