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PTC Surface Modeling with ProE WildFire2


I wonder if anybody can help me finding PTC published book

"Surface Modeling with ProEWildFire2" T1710-340-01

It comes with PTC training course "Advanced Surfaces Modeling".


Edited by: Geneg
I also looking for this. I`m now having "Surface modeling with Pro/Engineer 2001". But it`s a great difference between WF and 2001 Ver.
Your best bet is buying it off eBay ora former student. PTC does not sell their training manuals. The only way you can get it from them is buy taking an in-center class.

Yeah, there are huge differences in the locations of commands between 2001 and WF, given that the Insert > Surface menu has gone, and the surface editting commands are object-action (select geometry and then the command is available from the Edit drop-down menu). The Menu Mapper is an invaluable resource.


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