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Purple Dims, Not Magenta


New member
Yes, I know about driving dimensions losing their references. The dimensions and their text turns magenta. In this case, it's only the text that changes color, purple. There's a gtol attached to the dim that also changes to purple. The feature control frame stays yellow. Only the text turns purple throughout.

You see this when you edit in the model and show the dim in the drawing. When you try to change the dim to a different value the number changes but the geometry doesn't update. If you go into the sketch the dimension is yellow and fully editable, updates the sketch. Accept it and get out and the solid geometry is not updated.

I've stripped this model down to nothing, default planes and the feature in question. I've used global ref viewer to check for outside refs and I've called PTC (they give me nothing). I found a few threads here that got no useful feedback. Here's one with a pic so you can see, his is worse than mine but we have seen this several times where I work.

Any help is appreciated.
OK, so this is one of this Pro/E mysteries but I'm interested inhearing if anyone else is having this problem and what rev/build they are on, if so. We are using Wildfire 3 - Build M050 and in some areas M160.

Chances are this was created in a earlier rev/build since the model was created almost 2 years ago.

