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push assembly feature down to the part?


New member
I have an assembly in SW08 SP3.1. I would like to push an assembly cut down to the part level. I would like to keep the cut in the assembly and have the cut show in the individual parts to use as a reference for other part features. Can this be done? TIA.
Yes. Can be done. My way is not very easy but that tip work properly:

Edit part -> Extrude cut -> use the assy sketch to define the sketch in the part (derived sketchOR usesketch relations between the assy's sketch and the part's sketch). That is all.

Now, if you change the sketch for cut in assy, the sketch for cut in the part(s) will be updated.

Hope I understand well your question because my english is not very good.

Good luck !
No worries Mihail, you're English is good enough and much better than my Romanian! Idid find out how to do this and it's pretty much the same as yours...use Tools>Sketch Tools>Convert Entities...

1. In the assembly, select the part to add the assembly cut to, Edit Component

2. Startthe appropriatecutfeatureon the part, selecting the same plane as the assembly cut.

3. Select each line of theassembly cut sketch and use the Convert Entities function. This will projectthe assemblysketchonto the part sketch. The partshould be fully constrained and need no dimensions.

4. Exit out of the sketch and finish the feature.

When you update the assembly sketch, it will be refelcted in the part. Thanks for the help and have a nice weekend.
Right click on part - edit part - apply the feature on that part - edit assembly.

Then, you will see that feature on part.

Tom Kelly


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