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Puzzler of the Day- Win7 selection


New member
Hi folks,

not sure where else to ask this..its a simple yet annoying issue and a bit of a head sctratcher. Since going to Windows7-64 I have some users complaining about generic text selection. In any app. In windowsXP if you double clicked a word with a hyphen it selected the whole word. In Windows7 it stops at the hyphen. Our part numbers contain hyphens, and when the users dbl clicks to change a number its only getting half the number. Does anyone know a way to change this behaviour back to "the good old way"?

Since day 1 thats been my issue with the Windows 7 ad campaign "Its my idea". Make tiny ridiculous changes for 2 people who ask for it. Did they ever stop and think that the 4 billion people who didn't complain liked how it worked?
I think it's the way that the treatment of the non-breaking hyphen is dealt with; having said that I'm not sure what the answer to your question is.
I use this to my advantage in notepad which selects text in
a similar manner. You can use "." instead of Dash because
it won't stop at period unless end of word sentence.

Try double clicking right on the - to see if it selects to front
and end of dashed word.

Be Glad you're not using win8. That is quite possibly the
wworst interfaceI've ever seen. If I want to buy a smart
phone I'd get a smart phone not win8. Computers are
already in the smart category. Or you can use Bootcamp
and get a Mac.

Home, Shift.Down End Shift.Up and CTRL Copy Paste
should do the trick.
Think of the old windows dialogs where CTRL+A is a no
show and triple click doesn't work.

Edited by: mjcole_ptc

