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New member
so how is the traffic now the new forum software?

I could not retrieve my old account so I created a new one. no communication with forum admin folks.

how do i edit my signature?

bart brejcha from designengine
It certainly looks better, more reply options. Hopefully better anti spam features. Absolutely superior to the PTCUser forum and the community.

I got an email from the moderators that the new forum was up and how to claim my account. It was a little buggy at first, but I got it.

Now, I think they need to do some clean up. Way too many forum categories, they need to be consolidated to maybe a half a dozen.

Your signature is under 'Forum Actions' > 'Edit Profile'
That's a shame Bart I hope you get your account fixed... I also discovered that old links to posts don't always work, and many old posts don't have pictures anymore, but that was probably caused by the server crash some time ago not by the new software...

Hi all... not sure how I missed this... but should you be experiencing any problems with old accounts or anything else for that matter contact me directly at

dmiyares AT wtwhmedia DOT com

-Dave Miyares

