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quick cool model for HS students

Hello All,

I'm going to be conducting workshops for High School students. It's sort of a way to show these kids what Pro/E can do or how cool it is. The kids all have there own station to work on and will create whatever it is I come up with.

The trick is, I need a model they can create in 45 minutes that looks cool and isn't too involved in creating it. Although I'll be giving step by step instruction (I'll have the use of an overhead projector), the kids sometimes get lost if it's a bit much. In other words, I don't want them to input formulas and complex relations. Some of these kids have had previous seat time, so I want to be able to grab the interest of those kids without loosing the never seen Pro/E before kids. Previous workshops made cell phone covers, i-Pods, stuff like that.

Any ideas or models to share? I'd be happy to report back on how your model was recieved.



[email protected]

That is an absolutely brilliant bit of advertising from the SW guys (see I can complement part of their organisation LOL). Really impressed with Mr. Torimoto.

It is also a cracking bit of student based investigative design.....Victor, I think any of your students would be enthused (regardless of their ProE exposure) by something like that. As AHA-D says keep it simple for them, but for the guys/girls who have had some exposure, any number of add-on exercises are possible.

That's a really good idea. You could start off with some ready-made parts, like say the body and hand and feet, and get them to come up with rest, to fit it into the 45 mins time frame.

prohammy said:

That is an absolutely brilliant bit of advertising from the SW guys (see I can complement part of their organisation LOL). Really impressed with Mr. Torimoto. Kev

Didn't mean to give them extra advertising.
And I seriously doubt anyone can do that thing in any CAD in the given time, without first fully rehearsing and trying everything out.


I had assumed that it was done in rather controlled conditions
(and they did speed it up rather a lot, a clever software person could have all sorts of fun with that sort of video). The last thing SW would like would be to be completely hammered by a guy foldinga bit of paper. PTC etc would have had the time of their life with that sort of ammo.

Edited by: prohammy

Thanks for the link, it sounds great from the responses so far. Unfortunately, my dumb computer at workhas an older version of Flash Player that doesn't work with the link. Of course I don't have permission to upgrade it myself.

Is there another way I can get the file(s)?




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