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Quick help on my hardware


New member
Hi, I am a student and design my own r/c parts (aftermarket bolt ons,
but hope to eventually get into whole cars) and need a capable CAD
program. I am pretty set on getting the SW student edition with Cosmos
and if I am ever able to start a company, purchase the commercial SW
package. Unfortuantely, my budget is EXTREMELY limited, and I only plan
on buying the software. The computer I have is a Dell with a 2.53 ghz
P4, 1GB ram, plenty of hard drive space, and an nVidia GeForce MX 420.
I understand that this video card is not a good one and not up to doing
much photorealistic renderings. Most of my parts are very simple and if
I ever do move to more complex parts (when and if I start a company), I
will most likeley purchase a very powerful PC. Anyway, my question is
will this setup be able to handle what I want to do with it for now?


