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Quilt Merge

I think it is not mirroable feature, u must create a new feature for mergeing two mirored surfaces.
got to selection filter at bottom right and change smart to quilts, then select the merged quilts , go mirror.
In WF1 just click the quilt merge, mirror, select the plane and mirrored part have been created.

In WF3 Click the quilt merge, mirror, select plane, not yet done,but still ask for the references (select 2 quilt to merge)...why?

merge is a feature which canot be mirrored or copied, becoz it is done with 2 surfaces.without surfaces what can u merge?hw can u mirror it?
u can only mirror the merged surfaces, ie after merging those 2 surfaces become a quilt. so u need to select that quilt and mirror it.
for selecting the quilt, it s easy doing it from selection filter at bottom


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