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Rack and Gear mechanism


New member
Any idea how to link up a rack to a gear in mechanism, such that when the gear moves, the rack will move too in sliding motion?
Boodogfish2,<br style="font-weight: normal;">have you tried creating a rack and pinion gear connection in mechanisms? Use the Help Center and look for Rack in simulation, it should be the second topic that comes up.

Hope this helps,
it is very easy to do. the help documenatation talks about setting up a rack and pinion gear connection.

thepinion should be assembled using PIN connection and the rack using a slider connection. very easy to do. Once you have the parts assembled access the gear conenction menu and select the joint connections for the gear pinion and the rack.

as far as aligning the pinionwith the rack you will have to use the dynamic drag. PM me if you need a sample model

