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Random Creo annoyances


New member
Just some things that seem to be bothering me lately.

Situation 1: when measuring a distance, why does CREO (WF did the same thing too if I recall) pick every G*D darn entity behind the plane that you really want to measure from? yeah, i get it. there's a sequence of things it does when picking entitites, but when the freaking model is shaded, why doesn't it pick the first thing that is "visible" which is the freaking plane! I end up spending a ridiculous amount of time either going to the smart menu to select plane, hovering my mouse precisely so that the plane finally highlights, or query selecting to pick the plane when the plane should be picked before any of the 15 edges/points that are behind the plane are first selected!

situation 2: why is the first assembly made always angle offset? How often do any of use really use that one? don't we almost always prefer a coincident or a distance? seems silly to have to pick the two planes you want to mate and then have to go change it from angle offset to the one we actually want.

Situation 3: why does Creo sometimes default to distance but other times to coincident? sometimes I manually drag my part to the rough area where I want to locate it, then when I pick my planes it snaps to coincident. other times, I honestly may not care yet it snaps to distance. there's no consistency.

situation 4: why aren't the items in some of the pull down lists (like the smart menu) alphabetized? I can't say how many times I've scanned some of these stupid lists up and down and sideways looking for the selection I know is in the darn thing simply because the lists aren't alphebetized

situation 5: why, oh why did they ever think it was a good idea to have TWO icons for centerline in the revolve sketch menu and each icon is identical, but only one actually works for the default internal center of revolution? one centerline icon has the description "create a two-point geometry centerline" while the other one has the description "create a two point construction centerline". Yet they each have the SAME FREAKING ICON in the toolbar so you can't tell by looking which one you actually need to select to get your revolve to, well, revolve!

I swear I wonder if the software engineers ever use the modules they design. I wonder how the marketing managers can approve some of the things i see implemented in this software, and finally, I wonder how the application engineers that actually use the software on a regular basis aren't *itching up a storm to the home office since these are the alleged experts in the company on how the software should work in the first place!

I'm sure there are plenty more things that bother me but these seem to be under my skin a bit more than normal lately.

OK end rant.

back to work with the best software ever developed
Well for 1. pick the plane from the tree!

a planar surface created with geometry is not available for picking from the tree. only datum planes. and if you have many datum planes in your model, searching for the one you want in your tree can be just as time consuming.
I agree with your list, the drawing module is so jumbled up I can't believe some one that makes drawings had anything to do with it.
"why doesn't it pick the first thing that is "visible" which is the freaking plane!" So ......

i have no idea what this comment is supposed to mean. I never said datum plane. I said plane. a shaded planar surface on your model is still a plane and can be used to measure to another plane, point, edge, vertex, coordinate system, etc. in the same manner as a daum plane.

