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raster lines


New member
<DIV>How can I inserta raster file and extract the raster lines from that file?</DIV>
<DIV>Thank You</DIV>
Raster to vector converter is what you are looking for. I would
do a search online to help you pick one out if you can help me
understand what your looking to do precisely.

That is basically what happens when you scan text and convert it to a
text document. Back in the olden days say 1984 that was what
everyone wanted to do. Convert a scan to vectors in order to save
time of coverting all the hand drawings to CAD (vector art). By
way a scan file is like a fax. A bunch of points on a 2d
plane. Vectors are much more simple and is defined as a point in
space plus direction and distance. Infinite points can be derived
from the vector therefore the line is defined more simply.

AutoCAD is vector. So is illustrator. Photoshop is Raster. Jpeg, Tiff and Bmp are all raster.

Edited by: design-engine

