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Re modelling using pro e 5


New member
i am chintan, i need to redesign a point cloud data for my
can anyone tell me how can i do it using pro e 5?
i can import the model but rest, segmentation and meshing i
don't know.

Are you working with only a point cloud?

What type of model to you hope to create? There are packages that will enable you to create a surface from the points but they will need to be manipulated to obtain a decent model.
hi jraquet

yes, i am using only point cloud, i am familiar with
rapidform xor2 but wanna use pro e 5 if possible.

and talking about model, let us assume a very simple model
like, clutch, gear etc.
chintan1 said:
and talking about model, let us assume a very simple model
like, clutch, gear etc.
For such models, it would be easier and better to model them from specifications rather than a point cloud. You would then have a PARAMETRIC model, which would be easy to edit.

I believe point cloud typically results from a CMM data.
it's not like that, first i have to use 3D scanner for
generation of cloud data. and basically i intend to know
that whether its fine to use pro e 5 or not for remodeling?
and if its ok then how?

see comment number 1

its definitely faster to do it inside rapidform if you have access to that. the reason is that it handles large mushes faster that ProE. i have done reverse engineering on meshes. the first step is to import the mesh. i guess point clouds are imported the same way. insert>facet feature. then you'll be inside a module that allows to manupulate meshes (and perhaps creating meshes from point clouds), pretty much like rapidform. after that you have to work in Restyle module. (insert>Restyle) you'll be able to extract curves and if there are regions in your mesh that have primitive shapes like planes,cylinders,etc you can capture them too. by extracting curves and building surfaces based on those curves, and employing surfacing operations like trimming and joining you can build the entire part, face by face. upload you point cloud so we can guide you.

Edited by: solidworm
hi solidworm
your information is very useful.
i tried just for a practice on the mouse point cloud.
but there is a problem while meshing. for meshing i have
to select the mechanica module. but the meshing options
are not that efficient like rapidform. it always says
that the geometry does not contain meshable boundries. i
tried putting datum plane and just recreating the curves
on the cloud data. but it was not that much accurate. one
more question is that the option of autosegmentation was
allowing us to create the meshable boundries in
rapidform. what about that in the rapidform?

please reply fast.

lots and lots of regards.
to create a mesh form a pointcloud, you have to import it using insert>facet feature. why are you using mechanica? download a sample point cloud from here.
unzip,change file extension to ACS and remove spaces from file name.
after importing point cloud, you will be able to create a mesh using points>facets. here's a screen shot:

Edited by: solidworm


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