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Reading in Points


New member
I want to read in a points.pts file space delineated ...

x y z
1 2 3

Except I want to rename the pnts in proe from the text file.

name x y z
PNT0 1 2 3

??? Any ideas? There are a bunch load of files
Found something on google concerning points.

[url] -proe-pnt-data-to-excel.html[/url]

about halfway, is this statement

<code> elem.innerHTML += "<br> " + model.FileName + ": "
+ point.GetName() + " (Id " + point.Id + ")"
+ ", XYZ= ( "
+ pnt3d.Item(0) + ", "
+ pnt3d.Item(1) + ", "
+ pnt3d.Item(2) + " )"

which uses Id instead of Name. It also points to using Jlink to accomplish what you are after.

Hope that helps some.
Not sure if that will allow you to give the points the names you want

if you use the offset coordinate system datum point tool irt will list the point as they are created, but Proe takes care of the point name

if you have a empty model it will follow your naming pnt1,2,3...

but if pnt already exists in the model then it's not going to rename existing point to now follow the naming you want

output of the saved file

! Comment lines should begin with an exclamation mark (!).
! You may have as many comment lines as you wish.
! There must be at least one space between values.
! Enter values with respect to datum arrays' coordinate system:
!CARTESIAN coordinates:
! X&nbsp ; Y&nbsp ; Z
1.00&n bsp; 0.00&n bsp; 0.00
2.00&n bsp; 0.00&n bsp; 0.00
3.00&n bsp; 0.00&n bsp; 0.00
4.00&n bsp; 0.00&n bsp; 0.00
5.00&n bsp; 0.00&n bsp; 0.00

it's throwing in the the formats is wacky. vs the table that you entered from

which shows the name... and autonames it as you go..but when saved it doesn't

save name

so i would think that if you have a bunch of files that you want your naming to follow .. then start with a empty model

make sense?
thats it. I just renamed the points in this wizzy wigger editor. I want to read them in to do it tho since there was so freeken many sets of points.

