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Reading Points from Excel


New member
I have the x,y,z coordinate points of an object that is listed in columns in Microsoft Excel that I would like to place into SolidWorks. How do I go about doing this?
As I can do this using Pro-E, I thought it would be possible in SolidWorks as well. Below is the reference from the SolidWorks 2007 help menu:

Click Curve Through XYZ Points on the Curves toolbar, or click Insert,
Curve, Curve Through XYZ
Points.Open an existing curve file. Click
Browse and navigate to a curve file to
open. You can open .sldcrv files or .txt files that use the same format as .sldcrv files. You can also create 3D curves in
Microsoft Excel for example, save them as
.txt files, then open them in SolidWorks. Create a file containing
coordinate values for curve points using a text editor or worksheet application.
The file format must be a three-column, tab, or space-delimited list of only X, Y,
and Z coordinates. Do not include any column headings, such as X, Y, and Z or
other extraneous data.
Pro-E will allow the importation of 3-D DTM points using the

Offset CSys Datum Points tool. It would be helpful to have the ability to import points into a 3D sketch and I think the closest equivalent in SW is the Curve Through XYZ Points.

This link titled POINT INPUT FROM EXCEL also discusses importing points from Excel files.

Chris Thompson

Edited by: c_thompson_68


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