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I've download, on Internet, a part of a supplier. But I've a problem, there is no PTC_COMMON_NAME parameter. They deleted it.

It's impossible to create it in "Tools-> Parameter" as it's a system parameter.

I realy need this parameter used in my drawing.

I'm working on Wf2 and I have the basic pro/engineer. No intrallink, etc.

Any idea?


I'm don't know what the problem might be as I can open old parts and add the parameter without problem. Can't find any config opts related. I'd try a couple of things; try assigning a value in a relation or put the part in an assy and use model tree param column to assign a value. Dunno, just guessing...
I've try with a new part. I create it, with the PTC_COMMON_NAME parameter

View attachment 2956

On the first picture there is the parameter. I delete it, and next when I want to create the same parameter (PTC_COMMON_NAME), I can't.

View attachment 2957

Then I have an error message (second picture) "this name is reserved". I only have the probleme with system parameters. If I delete my "QUANTITE" parameter, next I've no problem to write it again.

I'm French, that's why Pro/E is in French

Any solutions?

I'll be on holydays next week
, so, merry christmas and see you next year
I still don't know. I can delete and recreate the parameter.
The only 'oddity' I see is that it is automatically Designated
if I recreate it using the Parameters dialog. I'm using an
early WF2 build. Maybe something has changed. Maybe someone
with a recent build will give it a try...

Did you try using a relation ...
ptc_common_name = ""
... , for instance, or the model tree?

As a side note: I have no documentation on the parameter's
usage but, from a discussion on this site, I gather the
parameter is used by Windchill. I mention this because it's
use may conflict with future plans to implement a PDM (or
whatever Windchill is) system. You might search the forums or
web for more info.
I am on WF2 too. I've tried with relations or model tree and the result is the same.

Before I ask my question on this forum, I looked on the web and others forums and did not find an answer
Try this in your file.

! Allows removal of PDM linked parameters

! only works when disconnected from PDM system

allow_create_pdm_param yes
I've modified my file. I restart ProE but there is no difference.

What do you mean by "disconnected from PDM system"? I don't have Intralink, only the basic version of ProE. Is there something special to do?
Try opening the part and selecting File, Rename. In the dialog box you'll notice that Common Name is deactivated but if you pick "rename in session" Common Name will be modifiable.Rename the model (addX to the end or some such)enter your ptc_common_name, select OK then repeat the process of renaming in session and change the model name back to what it was originally. You should than have a valid parameter.
Now that's using the old noodle, BDennis. Good one.

It is a curiosity why Bilouze' system'sblocking more conventional attempts. Following Ben's (looslib's) lead; if curiosity drove me to it I think I might hide and config.sup (if exists) so they can't be loaded and try again to rule out a config setting.

(Or, maybe it'sjust an obscure, build specific bug?)
I think that Wildfire has been "educated" as to certain parameter names that are reserved, particularly for WindChill PDMLink so even if you have no IntraLink or WindChill instances running Pro/E isn't allowed to create a reserved parameter name. Also, these reserved names cannot be used in relations on the left hand side of the equal sign.
I've hidden my file, but the result is the same.

I don't know where is the problem, but now I have a solution
Dear All,

It's System Reserved Parameter. let System to change.

Rename Part In Session.

Change only Common Name.


