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recycle symbols

Digging up an oldie but goodie.

Supposedly there are unicode characters for the recycling symbols and supposedly Pro/E has unicode support. So presumably it is possible to create a recycling feature using just a simple single unicode character as the sketch. According to Wikipedia:

The different resin identification codes can be represented by Unicode icons ♳ (U+2673), ♴ (U+2674), ♵ (U+2675), ♶ (U+2676), ♷ (U+2677), ♸ (U+2678), ♹ (U+2679), and ♺ (U+267A)

Anybody know which control keys, magic incantations, eye crossings and newt body parts are required to get this to work?

Edited by: dr_gallup
While holding down the Alt key, type +2673 then release the Alt key.
If the font supports it, you will see your symbol.
OK, I've got a true type font that clearly has this character (DejaVu Sans), I added it to Pro/E's font directory, Pro/E recognizes it and I've held down theALT key while typing +2675 or just 2675 without the +. Both give me a lower case "s". ALT+2673 gives me a lower case q.

I finally fired up the Windoze character map and ste it to the DejaVu Sans fault, told it to go to Unicode character 2675 then copied and pasted it into the Pro/E text editing window. It does not look right in that window but the feature looks right!

View attachment 5787
I did that, just got q's & s's. And when you do paste the character from character map into Pro/E, the sketch is correct but the sketcher text window just has a skinny rectangle. So Pro/E is a lot less unicode capable than they lead you to believe.

I think I'm going to submit it to PTC.

