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redefine imported geometry


New member
We just went to 11 from 2001.

Tried to redefine an imported part with a spurious surface that needed deleting.

This was no problem in 2001:-

Redefine gave an option to manually delete items in from the imported feature.

In WFII I cant find this option after the redefine.

Anybody know where its been 'misfired' to?
Once you are in the import redifinition mode. You can do two
things...1) hit the delete key and then select as many items as you
want to remove from the imported geom (mulitple) or 2) select the
surface you want deleted and hit the delete key (individuals).
thanks ,helpful for deletion.

Do you know about the other options that were previously available for modifying imported geometry?
Yes, if you are referring to editing boundaries, zip gaps and etc. I tend to fix alot of files for our customers.
Thanks for quick reply, where are the old options apart from delete?

It appears to be set back to the old pre-2001 options like zip gaps and 'automatic' repairs.

