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Reference Pattern for Multiple Hole Sizes & Family Table


New member
The company I work for creates inserts with contact hole patterns on various size inserts. I'm currently working on a hybrid insert that uses multiple contact sizes in one.

So my family table controls various sizes of inserts as well as the contact patterns. I have "pattern table" as a family table variable and I call out the various table names I've created to have the correct point layout on each of the insert variations. Up to this point, everything works fine.

On my generic model, I've created a hole for each contact size that references the generic pattern table. So when I go to an instance, The holes are located where they need to be and I turn off the contact sizes that aren't used for the particular insert.

The problem:

In my family table, I have an X,Y for the first point of each pattern and then a pattern table that handles the rest of the coordinates. So, #23 hole works on the pattern, if the insert also requires #20 hole, I use the same pattern reference, but the first point (pattern leader) needs to be ONLY #23. Is there any way to turn off the 'reference' of #20 on the pattern leader or am I going to have to create a separate pattern (and family table variable) for every hole size?

It'd be easier if I could use the same pattern reference and just disable the points I need off for the hole sizes that are used.

