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Reference pattern of copygeom feature


New member
I've created a skeleton model with a pattern of holes and want to reference this pattern in a part within the assembly.

I've followed the usual practice of creating publish and copy geometry features, and then create a feature referencing the pattern leader within the copygeom feature. I then try and create a reference pattern of the new feature but the reference option is not available. I am only referencing the pattern leader so assume the problem is something to do with the copygeom feature. Do I need to create a relation or figure out some other workaround, or is there something I'm missing?

The trick is to use external copy geometry to copy JUST THE FIRST
INSTANCE of the patterned feature from the parent to the child. Then,
in the child, pattern the external copy geom feature as a reference
pattern. The pattern that you have created in the child part now
depends completely on the pattern in the parent but can be used to
pattern other features in the child.
Does this work 100% of the time? Does the EXT CPY need only contain the pattern leader? I tried to push a profile of a part from a skeleton, along with the pattern leader to the child, but could not reference the pattern. I also did not ref pattern the ext copy.

It sounds like you are saying to make a copy geom with only the pattern leader. Locate it properly, then pattern the copy geom feature.

I will try this.
Does anything in pro/e work 100% of the time?

The copy geometry feature should bring in only the lead feature of the pattern and nothing which is not part of the pattern. You will be making a pattern of this copy geometry feature using the parent pattern as the reference pattern.

Your last sentence is correct.
Maybe this is why it didn't work. I think I added additional curves to the publish geometry. Or maybe that is why it didn't work. Can you use a pub geom in the skeleton, then copy the pub geom? Or do you do a copy and select the leader without going through a pub geom?

I've never tried passing the leader from a parent to a child through a pub geom. My guess is that it won't work but give it a try.
Thanks for the tip, much appreciated. I've just tried to use the technique through a publish geometry feature but it didn't work. Has anyone else had any luck with this?


The only I know to do this is to uncheck the Pub Geom Only option on the Copy Geom command. Then, a reference box pops up where you can select different references. You need to select only the pattern leader from the reference model. Nothing else can be selected.

Then, if you did it right, you can reference pattern the copy Geom, then connect your hole or whatever to it's leader. From there, you can reference pattern the feature.

Works well, though there are a lot of steps. It does keep you from creating assembly dependent features when using patterns and also is a work around when you do not want to use an inheritance feature to copy the entire reference model.

Remember, you must reference pattern the copy geom prior to patterning the new part feature. If not, it won't see the reference pattern.

To create a pattern of a publish geometry feature create the pattern in the skeleton, create a publish geometry feature of the pattern leader, pattern the publish geometry in the skeleton, use copy geometry to select the publish geometry pattern leader and copy it into the part. When you pattern the copy geometry feature in the part Reference should show up as an option.

I've tried this using a using a pubgeom feature that references the pattern leader, and the reference pattern option does appear, but each pattern member is in the same place, even though the original pattern was an axially spaced pattern.


I haven't had any luck whatsoever using PubGeoms for reference patterns. I always uncheck the "PubGeom Only" option and then only pick the pattern leader using the reference box. This is the only way I have got it to work.

I'm not sure I quite understand what you are trying to do. Here are a couple of pics showing how I created a reference pattern using publish geometry. I created a radial pattern of axes in a skeleton model. The PUBGEOM_1 only has axis A_2 as a reference. Pattern 2 is a reference pattern. In the part the Copy Geometry id 123 only has PUBGEOM_1 as a reference. In the part Pattern 1 is a reference pattern. The Pattern 2 of holes is a reference pattern of pattern 1. Is this similar to what you are trying to do? If you are trying to contain all the axes in a single publish geometry or copy geometry feature you won't be able to reference pattern.

