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"References Renamed Model"


New member
I'm trying to save a copy of a large assembly. The assembly was recently renamed. When I try to save a copy, the Assembly Save A Copy dialog box appears with three components having messages reading "References renamed model 30_FT_PROJECT.ASM", which is the new name of the assembly. I can't seem to rid myself of these messages, and until I do, I can't save a copy of this assembly.

Any advice?

Sounds like you have an circular ref in the assembly.

Two approachs.

1. Go back to assembly and try to redefine the parts that are causing the error you are getting (you will probably find that once you do this and go back into the model and try to do a save a copy, a whole new set of parts get the same message)


2. When you are doing the Save a Copy, rename the parts (give them a temporary name)that are giving you the above messages (again,once you rename one, others will probably change status and pop up the same message). Once all parts are changed the OK button should un-grey and you will be able to save the new copy. Once you have saved the new assembly you can go back replace the temp parts with the original parts and you should be able to redefine everything at that point as well.

PS Even though it looks like a long way round, I have always found that the second method works out the shortest in the long run

Unfortunately, I also receive a message when I try to rename the parts (there are only two of them, thank goodness) that give me this error message. Another message pops up that states: "New Name Action can not be performed for model(s) because of incompatible status of their higher level assemblies or/and lower level components.

I think this is gonna use up some of my gray cells, especially on a Monday...

Never had that message before, but it looks like system is trying to tell you that you have circular references.... Looks like you will have to go back to your original madel and get rid of them...


Thanks Prohammy,

Wound up throwing a suffix on the relevant parts. Kind of a long story, but it did solve the problem for me

Didn't lose too many gray cells on this one, at least.


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