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relation area to thickness in thin layers


New member
Hi everyone,

I have the following problem:
I want to create a very thin layer, but the minimum dimension of the thickness depends on the surface area (respect. x-axis or y-axis). It is possible to reach better results by doing an extrude and after this a cutout. This relation must be implemented in ProE, but I can't find it in the config-definitions.
The problem is now, that my model has to be scalable. If the surface area is getting too big by scaling, the minimum relation area/ thickness isn't fulfilled anymore. The regenerationleads to a failure or my part is missing.

Does someone know if there is a default value for this relation in ProE and if yes, where can I find it? Smaller structures are possible in ProE, but I not in this case. Or is there another way to create such a structure?

ProE Wildfire 3.0
Layer thickness 7.5 um
Layer area scalable (10x10mm^2 to 60x60mm^2)
This area is chosen to reduce the problem to the basic and to reproduce the problem easily, but it is the same effect if there is a more complex structure with the same dimensions in x- and y-axis.

Thanks for answers
> but the minimum dimension of the
> thickness depends on the surface area

Actually it depends on minumum resolution (accuracy) and model size.

I think all you need to do to achieve a .0075 mm offset (given your size
range) is to start with an Absolute Accuracy in the range of .001 to .003 mm
(adjusting as may be required for any other specifics not defined).

this works. I can increase the area a bit. But if I reach the lower limit of the accuracy I have the same problem. Maybe I have to choose the not-so-elegant way by creating twosheets and make an assembly out of them. The real problem isn't solved by this.
> The real problem isn't solved by this.

May I suggest, then, that you not bother people with incomplete problem definitions?

