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Relation between part & sketch dimensions


New member
Does anyone know how I can have a relation at part level that include dimensions from sketch level of that part.

For example

where d31 is a dimension of the part and sd12 is a dimension of one particular sketch that was used to generate one of the several extrusions of that part.

Problem is that all the different sections have dimesions number that begin from 1 (sd1, sd2, sd3, ...)

You don't have to use sd dimensions in part relations. All dimensions in sketch level have a corespondent in part level. So after you create a feature, edit the dimensions in model tree and see what id they have. They should be like d10.

But if you want to make relations in sketch then you use the sd dimensions from the current sketch and d dimensions from previous features.
you're right, I don't know why I asked the question now ! I didn't take any time to think at all this time ...

Sorry, that was a very bad day for me today.

