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relations driven from an external merge


New member
This is my first post to a forum here. I am using a external merge reference to drive a generic part. This external merge has a family table of it's own. When one of the dimensions on my merge part goes below a value I would like to turn features off in my main model. I had this working once and cannot duplicate. I had been adding relation via pro/program.Any help would be greatly appreciated.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

If you pull your target model up without the source (reference) model in session,isthe reference model pulled into session automatically? If not, the target model will not update with any of the changes. Make sure your file has the option "retrieve_data_sharing_ref_parts" set to "yes". This will cause Pro/E to pull all of the reference parts into session. Unfortunately, this alone does not update your target model with the changes made to the source model. After you pull the target model into session, you must than regenerate it. I know, it is ridiculous and another flaw in Pro/E, but you must do this in order forthe changes to your source model to be seen by the target model. Pro/E regenerates the target model, sees the external merge feature, than pulls the external merge into session. Unfortunately (again) it does not regenerate the target model again, so the target model is left in the condition it was in when it was last saved.

You may already know all this and your problem lies elsewhere. If not, this may help you out.

Good Luck!

