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Relations in an assembly to hide prts


New member
I have an asembly which constist of three similar parts.

For example lets say a, b and c

How can I get using tools-program a sentence....."Select a, b or c"

and if I type a...

..b and c will be hidden!!!!
I don't think you can hide using Program, but you can have the other two components not regenerated (in essence, suppressed) in the assembly.

After writing the prompt in the Input section, then you can put IF and ENDIF statements around the components. For example,

IF input_parameter == A



PARENTS = blah blah blah



...and so forth for components B and C.

There is also a way to choose which components you are using with Interchange Assemblies and Family Tables, but the Interchange Assemblies are a little more complicated and require a license of Advanced Assembly Extension (AAX).
Jabbadeus thanx for the reply, however I still I can't understand
what I have to write between input, end input. So that when I press regen button. a question will come asking me "select A, B, C.

Afterwardswriting B for example the program will read the above you have already written


End Input
Hello Saferis

If you create a string parameter "which_model"toselect which model is resumed (required) and also write a 'header' above the component in the program listing to say:-

If which_model==a/b/c

(add comp etc

comp a blah)


the bits in brackets are from the program listing

This will control the resume/suppression of the assembly according to a user input upon regeneration. prompt to be included

you will also need to create the same controls in a family table and add/suppress each model to the column which_model if you do not want the user to be able to resume the component from the model tree, then the supression is shown as controlled by program in the model tree. this way the only control is by the pro-program prompt and resume component will have no overiding effect.


