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Relations in part and assembly


New member

Iwould be very grateful if someone could help me with this problem.

I am wondering if its possible to use thesame part that is build with relations in two different assemblys? It's currently working perfect in one assembly but when i try to control the same part but in a different assembly, then it
The reson it doesn't work is thatthe session ID (the part after the :) is different, so the part can'tfind where it's supposed to look for the parameter.

This is probably the closest thing to look at (in the help files)
<H1>Example: A Parametric Design for a Blender Cover</H1>
you could do it the other way, drive your part by a relation in your assembly:
where 2421 is the SID of your part.
Can you not use flexible component feature? I'm always wary of driving part level dimensions from a higher level. You lose track of which assembly is controlling it, You could end up changing the part dimensions unintentionally somewhere down the line or vice versa or your assembly may not update if you redefine how a part is dimensioned. I just think it's a dangerous thing to do.
Thanks guys for your help, the solution is to use Component ID instead of Session ID. I am using for examplethis codein one ofthe assembly relations:



Now it's working perfect. The number 44 is the Component ID, this number is unique/different in every assembly. This means that i can use the same part in any assembly, justby changing the CID number.


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