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relations in repeat region


New member

i'm now trying to create a bom table format and i am stuck with some issue.

i'm planning to have a 4 colomn region, i.e. no, dwg/part no., description and qty

i only have problem with the second one, in which i want it to call out a model parameter [dwg_no] and replace it with the model name if the value of this parameter is enther empty or undefined. the relations come back to me with errors (as displayed)

if asm_mbr_dwg_no!=""
/* ERROR: Invalid symbol 'asm_mbr_DWG_NO' found.
/* ERROR: Invalid symbol 'asm_mbr_name' found.

note: i had rpt.rel.dp in the second column, model parameters dwg_no and part_no which is pre-defined in my templates. i future, i may want to use part_no instead of model name because i am now in progress of updating my library information.

i would appreciate if anyone can get around this problem...

thanks in advance... ksboo
In the second column you want to display [dwg_no] which is a model parameter.

To do this, you do not need any relations. Instead, use:

#ENTER TEXT, #REPORT SYM, #asm..., #mbr..., #User Defined

Then type your model's parameter name into the command line. You can also do this for the Description column if you add a Description parameter to your model.

I hope I understood your problem correctly and helped you today.


i don't understand your line especially do i just type in that line into the repeat region column including the # symbol and the ... thing. where should i type in that 2 model parameters name?

rgds... ksboo
Sorry, the # symbol is old Pro/E forMENU COMMAND. It does not appear anywhere in the menu on screen but was popular in older manuals. I seethat today it would be descriped this way:

TABLE > ENTER TEXT > REPORT SYM > asm > mbr > User Defined

I'm still using Pro/E 2001 as we have not yet upgraded to Wildfire.
So if your using WF then the commands may differ. As for the ..., this is what I see in the menu so I added it. Sorry for the confusion.

Anyway,in Drawing mode, select a repeat cell, go to the Table command and select the menu commands in the order above instead of typing directly into the repeat cell. When you select 'User Defined' the edit line will appear (mineapperas at the bottom of my screen). Enter your parameter name and hit Enter.

i still don't think this will solve my problem... i know that we can actually ask the table to call out parameter values...

but my case is that i want the table to retrieve values from another different parameter if the value of the primary parameter that i want is either empty or undefined...

now i am also facing a new problem which is we cannot assign parameter values to tamily tables individually... all the parameter values in instances and the generic have to be the same...

currently, since i'm stucked up with this relation problem, i'm adding more columns that is making my table quite big in size...

rgds.... ksboo
I've been doing some experiments today based on your last post, but I don't see a solution yet. Hope for tomorrow. Keep me posted of your own progress.

[now i am also facing a new problem which is we cannot assign parameter values to tamily tables individually... all the parameter values in instances and the generic have to be the same...]

To solve this problem, you need to add parameter to family table and YOU MUST NOT HAVE THAT PARAMETER IN RELATIONS.
If you have parameter in relation, it will override family table.


i get what you mean... if we want different parameter values of instances, we will need to specify different columns for the parameters, or else the values will be the same as the values defined in the generaic part... thanks man...

guys, i still haven't got the repeat region relations figured out yet... i'm still having the temporary solution in place... my time to study is quite limited since i'm rushing a set of assembly drawings to the production...

though, i'll ocme again if there's any update...

rgds... ksboo

