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Hi all,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Of the following cases:
1. Having relations in sketch
2. Having relations in part
Is there any difference between the two? which is preferable and why?. I am trying to give relations with parameters.
I find relations in a part better for most cases. There are differences in the solving order. Sketch relations can take two regens to propagate through the part. Sketch relations also are harder to get to, at least they used to be. I'm not sure if you still have to go into sketch/redefine to change them or not because I avoid them these days.
I often make relations in a sketch so I can copy the sketch to another DATUM PLANE and have the same relations. Like with creating curves for surfacing...

Edited by: design-engine

Thank you Brat and dr_gallup for your replies. But then, I have another doubt here. How to decide which type of relation to be used?



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