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Removing material using existing model


New member

Firstly, sorry for the vague description.

What i need to do is take an existing model, and remove material shaped like that model from another seperate model- so it leaves a hole shaped like the original model.

If you dont know what i mean yet, the purpose of it is for modelling an injection moulding tool- i need to put my two halves of the mould tool together in an assembly, and bring in my injection moulded widget so that a cavity in the shape of my widget is created.

I know there is a tool to perform this function in ProE as i was shown how to do it, but ive gone and forgotten how to do it, and would be grateful if someone could remind me.

cheers in advance
Make assembly of your mold tool & your part (you may want to apply shrinkage compensation first), then Edit/Component Operations/Cut Out. You will have to have Reference Control set properly in both the part & assembly or Pro/E won't allow the external references.

