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Rename rev of part to make new part?


New member
I am using Intralink 3.3 and Wildfire 2.0. I have a top level assembly and a few of the parts havechanged substantially. I neednew part names for the changed versions of the modified parts. I do not want to loose the part references to the top level assembly. I also need to maintain the older versions of the parts. If I rename the parts using Intralink, the new part name will ripple through the whole data base and I will loose the older part names.

Is there a way, using Intralink, to create a branch or baseline that will allow me to have two part namesthat are based on a common part at an earlier revision?

You are probably better opening the assembly in Wildfire and Replace the parts by copy and give them a new name.
Set the config option "let_proe_rename_pdm_objects" to yes. Then open the assembly in Pro/E, call up the parts you want to rename one at a time and rename them. IMPORTANT: Go back to the assembly and save the assembly. This will make sure the assembly sees the renamed parts. This will give you a new part in Pro/E for each part that you have renamed. each part will be new to Intralink and require check-in. Your assembly will also require check-in. If you need to save the part drawings also let me know and I will help with that also.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I am interpreting what you are saying to mean that I need to create completely new parts. I can not create a new part that branches offat a certain revision while maintaining a parametric link to the older revision.

Sounds to me like I will need to create a copy of the top level assembly, associated parts, and drawings.



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