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Renaming Views and moving origin


New member
I'm trying to import SW files into MasterCam mill entry. Our MC package does not have the parasolid piece. I need to be able to manipulate and change the view and/or origin in Solidworks before I import the file. Can I change the top view to a front view and then move the origin? Any help would be appreciated.
You can reorient standard views. Let's say you want the Left view to became front view.Press blank key. In the dialog dbl click the view you want to change (left).Select the view you want to assign (front) and press "Update Standard view" button. For the origin you can try to define a new coordinate system.When you export the part choose the newly created coordinate system.
You can also reorient your part in respect to the original xyz origin.

Use the feature, move/copy, translate/relation, from/to, xyz

good luck...

