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Reorienting model views


New member
I've got an assembly that is modeled with the top view actually being the bottom of the machine.

I want to reorient this so that the top view is actually a view looking down from the top, and the front is a view looking from the front.

I can't figure out a simple way of doing this.

Anything I'm missing?

I think Solidworks had a function called view reset or something similar.
Go into "View Manager", go to the Orient tab highlight the view you want to change, redefine it and then pick the two references to orient it the way you want.

Hope this helps.
Go to "View" pulldown and select "View Manager". There may also be a tool button for it on your toolbar.... looks like a piece of paper with a camera in front of it. Once the view manager is open, select the "Orient" tab. Choose or create the view you want to be your "top" view. If you choose an existing one to change... select the view and hit the "Edit" button then "redefine". A dialog box will open asking for the "front" of your view. Select a surface that is on the top of your assembly. By "top" they mean what will be facing you when this view is active. It will then prompt you for another reference of some sort... a top or side to tell it which way is up.

Expirement with this until the view is facing the way you want it, then make sure you save right away. Hope this helps!
OK... I worked with redefining the view in view manager, and it is confusing as to what it's asking. I've yet to get it to where I want it. It also doesn'tupdate whatis the bottom view, etc.once I've redefined the top view.
It will only update the view you are working on. You would have to create a mapkey to update all the other views or make sure that when someone is modeling or assembling something they understand the orientation.

What it is asking for is that when you change the orientation to "top", you will pick the top of the part as your front (what you will look at) and then a 2nd orientation whether it be left, right, top, bottom. So you would pick the back of the part to be top which will orient the part so that the top of the partwill be facing you and the back of the part to be facing upwards.

Hope this helps.
Edited by: ehorton
You may also try using reorient. Starting with your default view (bottom view of assembly) go to view, orientation, reorient. Then change type or orientation to dynamic orient. Pick the spin center icon and then you can enter in value by degrees for each axis. I find this is sometimes easier that picking angle references. Finally save the view. Hope this helps.

OH! I got it now... I'll try that tomorrow.

I'm thinking in absolutes. top is top, (facing you) Right is always right, etc...
If it helps to move around quicker once you have your views defined, I created mapkeys to go to specific views, based around the numeric keypad. The mapkeys are 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', etc. and when you typeone, itwill orient the model to the view corresponding to the position of that number on the keypad. So, since, '5' is in the middle, 'v5' would orient to the FRONT view.

'v4' - LEFT view, 'v6' - RIGHT view, 'v8' - TOP, 'v2' - BOTTOM, 'v7' - BACK, 'v9' - Default.

Then I reserved 'v1' and 'v3' for two ISO views.

It makes it really easy to logically move around the model or go to a specific side.


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