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Replace Component - Top Down Design


New member
Hi frnds

i have a doubt in replacing a
component that has been referenced for creating a new component in

I assembled a bearing housing over the base. Then inserted the bearing
into that housing. After that i created a shaft based on the references
from that bearing(Top-Down Design). Everything is fine until now.
In future suppose i want to

change the bearing & put a new one, there comes the problem. i lose the references for that shaft. can anybody help me out?

(note: the bearing which has to be replaced does not belong to family table).
I will try first

Creating a component referedfroma component in assembly is not a good idea because if the components feature refered to was changed or if the component was replaced, the created components feature reference will be missing, why not make a skeleton model with curve, points, axis, csys and refer the component to it by copy geometry so that if you replace any component in your assembly in the future you will have no problem with its references. you can create parameters to your skeleton model for you to easily recognize each features usage in your assembly.
Edited by: jayuy
You'll simply have to redefine the missing references.

I agree with Jayuy's suggestion to use a skeleton (in my case it's more of a "master model" approach as I don't have AAX)in some situations, but don't think it's fair to say it's a "bad idea". Different top down approaches, methods of creating dependancies, have different strengths and weaknesses. They all complicate matters and have their potential gotcha's or trade-off's. Some seem to have obvious benefits in some situations and only experience in your environment will tell you which methods are most suitable.
Hi jeff,

I'm in the same situation as you (i think), i that I'm trying to use Pro-e with a top-down stucture but without having access to the AAx extension. The problem that I have is with the creation of axis in parts and subassemblies that are aligned to the axis in the master (top-level) model.

The only way that I have found so far is to simply use the axis in the top-level model when creating features in the lower level parts, which works great, until you want to work with subassemblies outside of the main top-level assembly, then you have to reference the parts in that subassembly in a bottom-up approach, and the whole model starts comming apart at the edges.

Any better work arounds that you can suggest for this would be very much appreciated.




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